09.02.12 THE ENGLISH CORNER - Escrito por: Alex García Rosal
Today we have had breakfast with an apparently good new. Banks, with the support of Government, are going to launch their stock of housing at affordable prices so that refloat their economies. Consequently the flow of money of the country will rise, and as a final effect National economy too.
It was quite surprising when looking for a house to buy, to realize how flats and houses did not get their prices lower.
As banks stopped lending money to potential buyers, everything was stopped.
This seems to be a good measure, let´s wait till the end of summer.
As this will be with the support of government, it deals with a hard work for both.
But politicians have another challenge in front of them, which seems to be even more important, this is dignifying politics.
To restore the confidence of the people giving them back safety and work. “Cleaning” the image, and the concept that former examples of politicians have transmitted to people.
Making the figure of politician as someone you can trust in, because he believes in what he does; he works for ideas, for people and for welfare (for everybody, I mean).
So, will the next step be, Fresh Politics?