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Hemeroteca (1912-1989)

Hemeroteca (2002-2005)

Fundación "Aguilar y Eslava"

Fundado en 1912  |  AÑO 113º  |  DIARIO DIGITAL  |  I.S.S.N.: 1695-6834

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1912-2012: cien años de sinceridad e independencia


The English corner: THE WORLD IS WRONG

20.12.11 - Escrito por: Alejandro García Rosal

When everything turns bad, it gets worse for those who have less.
Definitely, the World has taken the wrong way, and I am afraid that this is not new. The ones responsible to drive it have taken the wrong way, and the rest, we, the ones who travel in the different wagons; business class, economy class, etc. have not been able to see the way we were driven in.

We can start to make the analysis from the bottom to the top, or the other way around, but neither of the two possibilities can evade responsibility.

If we start the analysis from the top, we assess the role of leaders and governors. Because leaders and governors, together with people who have (or rather, had) the money, businessmen, and banks, made the big “New Deal”, but this was one deal in which clearly there was some winning parts: them.

In this sense, unfortunately, we, the people, the town, are always going to be led by a sort of super ordinate class that takes the decisions far away from where our knowledge reaches.
This higher class takes decisions for everybody. In case they do not fail or have, we can breathe. If not, we must pray.

When the analysis starts from the bottom, we must check our own action, applying the most common of senses, this that sets us in our place, and keeps our feet on the floor. Responsibility.
And as a final step, we have the whole problem. The one that we can see and what is worse, what we do not see. Now we are realizing about people no one thought of before. What is now known as the Horn of Africa, representing the third World.

Again, the ones who once made the deal were interested in differentiating several worlds, and keeping this distinction. Better to have the competence and the resources under control.
Every distinction has been established after a crisis, a war, an economic collapse, etc.

It is said that crises are time for opportunity, though better for those who decide over the rest.
One of the greatest inventions of economists in the 2nd half of XXth century has been to allow governments to generate debt, instead of generating wealth.

Rich countries buy the debts from those who pretend to be rich. The latest make their economies even more fictitious, depending even more on the rich countries, which create in them the necessity of purchasing their goods. So the engine keeps going.

But we must not get confused.

The new deal will come after a new deal between the most powerful that, again, will decide for the rest of the people, so I hope we are lucky.

If not, we must pray.

Nowadays, all that we are contemplating is a consequence of all these differences during ages.

Now it is time of analyzing all this, of stretching distances, and we hope it is not too late.

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Hemeroteca (1912-1989)
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