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Hemeroteca (1912-1989)

Hemeroteca (2002-2005)

Fundación "Aguilar y Eslava"

Fundado en 1912  |  AÑO 113º  |  DIARIO DIGITAL  |  I.S.S.N.: 1695-6834

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1912-2012: cien años de sinceridad e independencia



19.09.11 - Escrito por: Alex García Rosal

This story begins when three naive Spanish guys went from their beloved hometown Cabra to Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania to support the Spanish National Basketball Team.

This can be also considered the end of this story because since now, nothing else that happened had so much sense.

As September is a great month in Cabra, in September landed at Vilnius, the nice capital city of Lietuva, the three characters of this story.

Lithuania, the country where basketball is a religion and Sabonis is a God.

Tritonauskas, Kanteraujskas and Osunauskas were starting their Martinez-Soria experience with only one goal, to have fun and enjoy the Eurobasket 2011.

They integrated at Vilnius life successfully, becoming almost a Lithuanian citizen more.

Lithuanian people have passed from a Russian occupation to a Spanish one, but for sure they have felt better with us.

As it is usual in our Latino character, we made a lot of friends, and became quite popular in the city in only four days. We have lots of examples of this that would remain in our memory and retinas forever, like singing the traditional “coplas”, while Lithuanian national anthem sounded, established a new “Spanish traditional breakfast”, and many many more.

We cannot speak about one great moment, because except for when we were sleeping, all of them have been great, but one that makes our popularity raised to the top was when a Lithuanian journalist interviewed us. I attached the link of the interview, with the photo she took of the three of us.

I am sorry because the article is written in Lithuanian, therefore, the most complicated language in Europe, but for us, the importance is the fact of have been interviewed.

Actually I can say that Lithuania is already my second country.

Vilnius, its capital city is a charming and nice city, with a kind population. As a definite step for the modernization they deserve, there should be a city-to-city twinning with Caracas at Venezuela; we definitely think the two countries have too many things in common, though not the weather obviously.

Lithuania, what a great country!

enlaces de interés

Web Lithuania

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Hemeroteca (1912-1989)
Hemeroteca (2002-2005)

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I.E.S. "Aguilar y Eslava"
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