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Hemeroteca (1912-1989)

Hemeroteca (2002-2005)

Fundación "Aguilar y Eslava"

Fundado en 1912  |  AÑO 113º  |  DIARIO DIGITAL  |  I.S.S.N.: 1695-6834

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1912-2012: cien años de sinceridad e independencia


Happy Birthday English Corner!

05.08.11 - Escrito por: Alex García Rosal

Today is the 1st birthday of the English Corner. One whole year writing nonsense, and trying to entertain you more or less rightly.

I hope you have enjoyed all these collaborations.

Most of you have appreciated the funny character of the “Corners”, others the most critical side. For you all, I have selected the most funny and / or interesting extracts of all the corners.
Yes, I know it may be a lazy strategy, but The English Corner also has holydays 

“Today, the tradition becomes alive one year more. Beautiful “carrozas” made with care and love during all the summer, accompany in parade (3) the Great Entrance of the Virgin in the town.
Young people sing traditional songs.
Young and old people crowded the streets. The first, the worldwide known as “chivatos”, take the streets with their best clothes (white shirt and red sash) and their 2 litres bottles. That´s joy! This is very precise, used to say my grandmother.”
(An alternative Guide for September Fair 31/08/10)

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!”
( A Tribute to Rudyard Kipling 12/09/10)

“Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Language is the source of misunderstandings.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Groucho Marx
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.
Groucho Marx
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.”
(Quoting 18/01/11)

“One of the main aspects of Lent, socially speaking of course, is the phenomenon known as “Little Head Quarters”, also known as “Brotherhood houses”. They are places where members and followers join together to spend a nice time chatting, sharing experiences, having fun, etc., while the listen Easter music, smell some incense, or watch some videos.
Meeting at the Quarters provide you for sure with good company and long talks.
In these days, in Cabra is born a species that during the rest of the year keeps lethargic, and this is the worldwide known as Homo Cuartelillensis.”
(Life in Quarters or how to survive to Lent 09/03/11)

Capirotes / capuchones as they are known in Cabra, the pointed or cone shaped hood worn by the capuchones (worldwide known as nazarenos, except in Cabra), symbolizing repentance and grief. They are members of the Brotherhood, who dress in a robe and cone shaped hood to hide his or her identity. Some “capuchones” from particular processions are prohibited from speaking with anyone once dressed in their gown and cap. Colors of robes and hoods depend on the procession.
In Cabra, a name is intimately linked to this tradition. I wish God permits having him such a lot of time with us, Manolo Fernandez, who has made all the “capuchones” to all of us, and our cousins who came from Madrid (in previous chapters called “apuraorzas”).”
(Lent II or the chain effect 02/04/11)

Many greetings and nice summer!

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Los planisferios celestes de los institutos Aguilar y Eslava, de Cabra y Luis de Góngora, de Córdoba

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Traslado de la Virgen

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Fotografías de los homenajes a Juan Valera de 1927 a 1929

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Fotografías de Juan Soca en La Unión Ilustrada, de Málaga

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En la España de Estrellita Castro

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El indiano D. Manuel Fernández Carrillo "El Habanero" (Priego 1850-Cabra 1906)

18.05.24 | Manuel Peláez del Rosal / Académico numerario de la Real Academia de Córdoba


Webs amigas

laopinioncofrade.com | noticias cofrades
Meteocabra.es | el tiempo
Patio de Cuadrillas | actualidad taurina
Poesía Taurina | decenario de versos táuricos

Sobre "La Opinión"

Quiénes Somos
Hemeroteca (1912-1989)
Hemeroteca (2002-2005)

Sobre la Fundación

Quiénes Somos
I.E.S. "Aguilar y Eslava"
Museo "Aguilar y Eslava"
El Hombre de la Sábana Santa
La Opinión de Cabra
Coro de Cámara

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