The English Corner: Alternative guide for September Fair
01.09.10 - Escrito por: Alex García Rosal
Passing by the Viñuela
The hat I put off
To the Virgin of La Sierra
I prayed a salm
Cabra. September. Life starts again.
From 3rd to 8th of September, Cabra, a town hungry of initiatives and entertainment, and a village rich in sociocultural abilities, lives its greatest days. Its streets, plenty of people, its heart plenty of life.
4th of September is the great day, once more. Our Mother, that lives in the mountain all the year, comes to visit us, and, hopefully, to give us all the things we ask for (1) during the year. People in Cabra show the devotion for Her, the Queen, the White Dove, the Mother of God, our Blessed Mother.
“Air, air, air…” shout (2) the crowd, for the motion to be fast. Millions of people come from all over the world to be with Her.
Three little things Cabra´s got
That Madrid hasn´t got
The Paseo, Caño Gordo, and the San Martin Street.
This day also, is the 1st one of the Fair, the big Fair of the south of the Province.
Today, the tradition becomes alive one year more. Beautiful “carrozas” made with care and love during all the summer, accompany in parade (3) the Great Entrance of the Virgin in the town. Young people sing traditional songs.
Young and old people crowded the streets. The first, the worldwide known as “chivatos”, take the streets with their best clothes (white shirt and red sash) and their 2 litres bottles. That´s joy! This is very precise, used to say my grandmother.
The second ones, the eldest, go to the Fair, eat, drink and dance, as if there were no tomorrow, and criticize the first ones.
The National Party, the BULLFIGTHING, Olé! Cabra enjoys in its ancient bullring(4), with this ancient party. Three brave bullfighters (5) make the crowd enjoy, while they sing, drink and thank the effort of the bullfighters.
The traditional “revoleo” of the flag is one of the most characteristics aspects of these days. The old multicolored flag, that King Fernando the Saint gave to the village, and the old playing(6) of the drum, joined the people around them, singing and shouting(7) “Vivas” to Our Mother.
And the last, though not the less, the Big Procession. Our Mother, that has already been in Cabra for 4 days, receiving the visits of us, her sons, goes out again, in a great parade, for all us, and more devotes came from all over the province, could meet(8) her, and ask again for some more favors.
The night ends with the great fireworks, in the ancient part of the village. Sound and color that entertain the town that for some days has forgotten all their problems.
And now what?, University students leave again, foreigners as well ( lease “forasteros” as we use to say in Cabra, nowadays also called “apuraorzas”), and the mothers and grandmothers put again the “enagüillas” in the living room.
Normal life, real life. Crisis, what a crisis?
Beloved mother of La Sierra
Do not deny us your favor
Sash.- fajin
Eldest.- Also “oldest”, los mayores
Chivatos.- Technical word in Cabra for teenager, especially those that still do not know what the film is about.
Revoleo.-Technical word in Cabra for the movement of the Flag when people join under it.
Forasteros.- Technical word in Cabra for visitors from other region of Spain.
Enagüillas.- Technical word in Cabra for the clothes that protect the table where we eat, and provide with heat and warm in winter. Special design for siesta time.